For travellers looking to explore past Paris, Barcelona, and London, Eastern Europe offers stylish capital cities with world-class museums, breathtaking natural beauty, and well-preserved architectural gems dating back to medieval times.
Near Brasov, Romania, lies the legendary lair of Count Dracula. While you (probably) won’t find a blood-sucking vampire taking up residence in Bran Castle, you will enjoy learning about the history of Dracula and the Transylvania region on your tour of this intriguing historical monument.
Belarus is a country filled with undiscovered sights. It recently opened its border and it’s become a popular travel destination. Belarus is a country bordered by many other beautiful countries which give it more dazzling touch.
There are also several National parks and conservation projects. The Belavezhskaya Pushcha Park is home to many ancient oak trees which received a name in the World Heritage Site in 1992.
One of the most exotic countries in Europe, Bulgaria, has been steadily growing in popularity. Apart from its long history, interesting culture and great beaches, Bulgaria attracts numerous visitors with its festivals. Whether you wish to learn more about the Bulgarian culture or just enjoy the sun and music, you will find whatever you are looking for at one of Bulgaria’s best festivals! One of the oldest traditions in Bulgaria, Nestinarstvo, or Fire Dancing was started by the ancient Thracians as a way of worshiping the Sun god. Today, Fire Dancing is practiced only in a couple of villages in south-east Bulgaria, the most famous being the Bulgari village where the Fire Dancing Festival takes place.