‘Everyone in this world is different, and hence no holiday planning can be the same.’

This is the principle on which LUXETROT has been founded and aims to establish itself as one of the world’s leading luxury lifestyle travel planners. We craft tailor-made experiences around the world, giving you exclusive access to the globe’s finest hotels, luxury villas and resorts. Our Travel Specialists are experts in sourcing and designing travel experiences for any event or occasion. Whatever you wish for we have it covered and more.

Our Passion
is Travel

Forever inspired by what this world has to offer, travel is our lifeblood. The curators at LUXETROT are a team of individuals who consider themselves to be artists and who wish to paint every story in the most colorful way possible.

Our Trade
is creating Memories

We’ve been here, there, and everywhere, and have mastered the science of travel. Through hands-on experience with every destination, we know exactly where, when and how to take you there.

Our Standards
are sky high

We are constantly searching and finding, picking and choosing from continent to continent, country to country, region to region, filtering through the countless possibilities for travel – and we spot the beautiful, the secluded, the exhilarating, the unparalleled, tailoring it to you and your needs.

Our Affiliations
are our Strength

Since 2015, we have been cultivating an extensive, unmatchable network of travel professionals around the world. In fact, we know all these people on a personal basis, working hand in hand with them to ensure that your experience is perfect.

Experiences shaped by you

How we do it

Aakash Shah

( Founder CEO )

I have been a traveller since I was a child, my family always believed that travel is the best education and hence we would travel multiple times a year both internationally and domestically.
Even in my teens while I was pursuing my engineering, in my summer holidays I had the opportunity to visit Denmark & Finland on 2 separate occasions as an exchange student for a month each where I got to know the way of life of the Scandinavian people.
It’s at that time that I learnt that 99% Scandinavians take minimum 2-3 years off education once they pass 12th grade just to explore the world and work in different countries and learn about different cultures. I was quite fascinated by that thought process.

So when I moved to California to pursue further education in Management, I made sure to continue my tryst with exploration. While there I was able to visit multiple places in USA, Mexico, Caribbean etc.. and broaden my horizons when it came to travel.

At that time I was sure I wanted to be somehow involved in the world of travel & this dream which finally came to fruition in 2015 when I opened LUXETROT.

Now having completed 5 years in this industry, I couldn’t be more happier and humbled with all the amazing partnerships and relationships that I have been able to forge with Hoteliers, Tourism Boards, Representation Houses and all the fabulous people associated with LUXETROT today that enables us to curate the most memorable travel experiences for our clients.

Hema Singh

(Sr. Travel Curator)

“I haven’t been everywhere but it’s on my Bucket List”.
Travelling is my great passion in life. It has always been my dream to visit every country on this earth at least once. I just love to travel because it makes me realize that life is so beautiful and there is so much to admire and treasure in this world. It also gives me chance to explore new places and learn different cultures and traditions while meet new people that were born and live in different ways than mine. Each travel experience teaches me something new and made me become a better person. There are countless reasons why I am passionate about traveling: the people, the food, the exposure, the beauty, the chance to build the character.

My Dream Destination — I am still finding…. I want to make memories all over the world, But Italy is one of my top favourites. It is a country that is rich in cultural, historical and architectural delights; there is food and drink to die for, landscapes and natural beauty that look so unbelievably stunning that you have to pinch yourself to check you’re not dreaming, and a whole host of other incredible features that really make Italy stand out from the crowd. With its natural beauty, incredible food, art, and style, Italy is a destination where even one visit is not enough. Historic Italian cities such as Rome will show you gigantic traces of a mighty ancient empire, the Papal kingdom, and Renaissance noble families, while smaller cities like Florence will take you through the Middle Ages. You’ll also find Middle Age imprints in the towns of Viterbo, Bracciano, Perugia or Venice. Sardinia, on the other hand, is home to the Nuraghe stone towers from the Bronze Age, and villages belonging to the Mediterranean island’s ancient civilization.

Sejal Shah

(Sr. Travel Curator)

Travel is something – which I would Love to Indulge Myself all My Life…
Whenever I travel it makes me feel Alive! It gives me a sense of experiencing various Aspects of My Life….
• Traveling is a way of Finding you’re Yourself – You Purpose of Life
• You’ll realize how little you know. …
• You’ll realize a lot of things about yourself and people around

Travel makes me gain patience, wisdom, perspective, appreciation, and relationships. Traveling Helps me feel calm, releases the stress you’ve been holding onto. Being more open to others also makes us more open to ourselves. You learn how to deal with different kinds of people, try various cuisines, adapt to new cultures — all leading me to

“Learn – Un- Learn & Re- Learn”

I have travelled to a few destinations … Like Seychelles, Oman, Dubai, Maldives, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand & Have travelled from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, Ladhak — in recent past. But My Personal Favourite Destination is New Zealand – It’s a much Awaited Adventure. It’s a country of stunning and diverse natural beauty — Jagged Mountains, Rolling Pasture land, steep Fiords, pristine trout-filled lakes, Raging rivers, Scenic Beaches, and Active Volcanic Zones. New Zealand often adds an Adventure Twist to Nature — it’s the Original home of Jet- Boating through Shallow gorges and Bungee Jumping off anything high enough to give a thrill.

Dipanshi lokegaonkar

(Sr. Travel Curator)

Traveling keeps me young, interested and interesting to others looking for travel inspiration.
Traveling is not only a way to get away—it’s a way to learn and experience life through different cultures and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Having a travel bucket list is always a fun idea.
As one would say, the world is your oyster, so get out of your comfort zone and travel to a place you haven’t been before. You never know until you have tried it, so go and see the beauty of this world!

My dream is to travel the whole world. But as the wise men say, a journey of a thousand miles starts with just one step. When you have taken that one step, the rest is just to have faith and keep going.
South Africa has to be on top of my list. The country’s diverse landscapes – from rugged terrains to lush forests – offer travelers enough adrenaline-pumping activities to last a lifetime.
Wine tasting in Stellenbosch, watching penguins at boulder beach, visiting cape town, Jozi, hiking the table mountain, go to Kruger National Park in Limpopo, swim with sharks in Durban, see the great botanical gardens at Kirstenbosch, going to the amazing beaches, Bungee jumping at Bloukrans bridge, Riding hot air balloons and cable cars plus paragliding and finally visit Bo-kaap. Bo-kaap and Muizenberg are the most colourful places to visit in South Africa.

Jay Saraf

(Travel Curator)

Traveling is one of the most life-affirming things you can do for yourself. Aside from the obvious fun involved, traveling can transform you on so many levels. It provides happiness and satisfaction long after the trip is over. Our lives are so damned busy and complicated. Between jobs, commitments, and responsibilities, taking time out for a trip is enough to make you with your mind calm and relax.

I just love traveling but my Dream Destination will be the Scandinavian Countries

Scandinavian Countries offers a beautiful wilderness with glacier in the north, forest and lakes in the south. The cities are clean and attractive, and serve as a great destination for every kind of traveler!

Sakshi Babar

(Travel Curator)

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta. My passion is learning about life through traveling and exploring new things. It excites me when I visit new places, learn different cultures, and see other people live a life that is different from mine. I just love to travel because it makes me realize that the world is so beautiful and there is so much to admire and treasure.

Japan is my ultimate dream destination. It is the most amazing tourist destination and it offers many unique experiences that you cannot find in any other part of the world. The culture of this country is an interesting blend of Eastern traditions and Western modernity that can be seen everywhere. Japan is one of the oldest civilizations and has a beautiful and diverse history. A tourist can explore Mt. Fuji, visit temples and ancient sites, encounter a Geisha and experience a Japanese tea ceremony, drink sake, ride on bullet trains, enjoy sushis created by Michelin-star chefs, bought weird stuffs or inventions as a souvenir and soak in one of Japan’s hot springs located in Dogo. In other words, Japan is a perfect blend of a traditional and yet an advance country.


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022 49781449


4th Floor, Office No. 42, Mittal Court - B Wing B.R.P Road, Opp Vidhan Bhavan, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021.


022 49781449

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